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How to Turn an Excel Spreadsheet Into a Web App

  • Written By: Cheyenne Kolosky
How to Turn an Excel Spreadsheet Into a Web App

Discover the robust capabilities and benefits of converting spreadsheets into apps. This guide will walk you through the reasons, the process, and the advantages of making this pivotal transition and how it can revolutionize the way you manage and interact with your data.

Understanding Excel to Web App Conversion

Microsoft Excel is a staple in data management and analysis. It’s known for its robust capabilities in handling various data-related tasks. However, as organizations grow and their data needs become more complex, the limitations of Excel become more evident. 

Converting Excel sheets into web applications involves transforming these static spreadsheets into dynamic, interactive web-based platforms. This process enhances data accessibility and usability and aligns with the modern need for more collaborative, secure, and scalable data management solutions

The transition from Excel spreadsheet to web application has the potential to unlock greater efficiencies, enable more complex data interactions, and offer a more integrated approach to data management.

Why Convert Excel to a Web App?

While Excel is a great tool for data analysis and storage, its capabilities are often outpaced by the demands of handling large datasets and the need for real-time data processing. The transition from Excel to a web app addresses several limitations, such as:

  1. Scalability and Performance: Excel struggles with large datasets, becoming slow or unresponsive. In contrast, web apps can handle larger volumes of data more efficiently, ensuring smoother performance as data needs grow.
  2. Collaboration and Accessibility: Excel files typically reside on individual computers or shared drives, limiting access and collaborative opportunities. Web apps that are hosted online allow multiple users to access and edit data simultaneously from anywhere, fostering real-time collaboration.
  3. Data Integrity and Security: Maintaining data consistency and security can be challenging with Excel, especially when multiple users are involved. Web apps provide better control over data access, with features like user authentication and role-based access, enhancing data integrity and security.
  4. Automation and Integration: Web apps offer greater possibilities for automation and integration with other digital tools and systems. This seamless integration streamlines workflows, reduces manual data entry, and minimizes errors.
  5. Customization and User Experience: Unlike the one-size-fits-all interface of Excel, organizations can customize web apps to meet specific user needs and preferences, providing a more tailored and user-friendly experience.

The benefit? Converting spreadsheets to web apps can significantly optimize business workflows. A web app offers advanced data management functionalities such as real-time updates, automated reporting, and interactive dashboards, which are not feasible with static Excel files.

The Excel-to-App Conversion Process (Step-by-Step)

No-code platforms make it easy to transition from Excel to web apps. These programs have democratized app development, making it accessible to those with limited technical experience. This is due to co-code platforms providing intuitive, user-friendly tools that allow users to complete complex engineering tasks without writing a single line of code.

The process of converting an Excel spreadsheet to a web app typically involves the following steps:

  1. Data Import: Start by importing your Excel data into the no-code platform. This process is typically straightforward; the platform reads your Excel file and imports the data along with its structure.
  2. Database Creation: Next, the imported data is organized into a database. No-code platforms often do this automatically, converting Excel rows into database records and columns into fields.
  3. Functionality Addition: Once your data is in place, you can start adding functionalities. This step might include creating forms for data entry, setting up automated workflows, or establishing rules for data processing.
  4. User Interface Customization: Design the user interface of your web app. No-code platforms offer drag-and-drop editors that let you design your app’s interface. You can add buttons, charts, and filters to make the app user-friendly and visually appealing.
  5. Integration and Testing: Integrate your app with other tools if necessary and perform testing to ensure everything works as intended. Testing is crucial to identify and fix any issues before the app goes live.
  6. Deployment: Once tested, your app is ready to be deployed. No-code platforms typically host the app on their servers, making it accessible to users via a web browser.
  7. Maintenance and Updates: Finally, maintain your app by updating it regularly, adding new features as needed, and ensuring it continues to meet user needs.

Tools and Features of Web Applications

One standout feature of web applications is their interactivity. Unlike Excel spreadsheets, web apps can include interactive elements like clickable buttons, dropdown menus, real-time alerts, and dynamic forms. Interactive elements make the user experience more engaging and intuitive, allowing for simple navigation and operation. For example, a web app can include a form for data entry that, upon submission, automatically updates the database and relevant reports or dashboards, a task that would require manual updating in Excel.

Customization is another area where web applications shine. They offer extensive customization options that enable organizations to tailor the interface and functionality to specific business needs or user preferences. This customization can range from aesthetics, such as themes and layouts, to functional aspects, like custom workflows, personalized dashboards, and specific data analysis tools.

Web applications also offer seamless integration capabilities with other systems and tools. This integration is crucial for businesses that use multiple software solutions for various aspects of their operations. For instance, a web app can be integrated with CRM systems, email marketing tools, or financial software, facilitating a unified and streamlined workflow. An interconnected ecosystem enables data to flow freely between systems and reduces manual data entry and the likelihood of errors.

Finally, web applications offer convenience in terms of accessibility and embedding in various digital environments. Web apps can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, offering flexibility and mobility that Excel cannot match. Additionally, they can be easily embedded into websites, intranets, or other digital platforms, making them readily accessible within an org’s digital ecosystem.

Excel to Web App Solutions Across Different Industries

The transition from Excel to web apps offers numerous advantages across various industries, enhancing efficiency, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making. Let’s explore some specific examples.


For retailers, converting Excel to web apps can revolutionize inventory and customer relationship management. Web apps enable real-time tracking of stock levels, sales, and customer interactions. Retailers can instantly update inventory data and maintain accurate stock counts to prevent overstocking or stockouts. 

Integrating web apps with CRM systems also allows for personalized customer engagement strategies based on real-time data, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Healthcare and Medical

Web apps offer a more secure and efficient way to manage patient data than Excel for healthcare providers. Web apps ensure confidentiality and compliance with regulations like HIPAA, as they provide better security features than Excel. 

Web apps also allow for real-time updates to patient records and treatment plans, facilitating more coordinated care. Additionally, these apps can integrate with other systems like appointment scheduling and billing, streamlining administrative tasks, and improving patient experience to provide seamless solutions for healthcare.

Finance and Banking

In finance management and banking, web apps can transform how users manage and analyze financial data. They provide a more robust and secure environment for handling sensitive financial information, with advanced security protocols that Excel lacks. Web apps enable real-time financial reporting and analysis, aiding in quicker decision-making. They can also be integrated with other financial systems, ensuring a seamless data flow across various banking and financial processes.


Educational institutions can significantly benefit from the shift to web apps. Managing student information, academic records, and administrative tasks through web apps enhances data accuracy and accessibility. 

Teachers and administrators can update and access information from anywhere, fostering better communication and coordination. Web apps for education also provide platforms for interactive learning and online assessments, enriching the educational experience for students.


For manufacturers, converting Excel spreadsheets to web apps can optimize production planning, inventory management, and supply chain operations. Web apps enable real-time monitoring and analysis of production processes, facilitating quick adjustments to improve efficiency and reduce waste. They also foster better collaboration between various departments and suppliers, ensuring a more streamlined and responsive supply chain.


Government agencies can use web apps to improve public service delivery and internal operations. Moving from Excel to web apps allows government entities to ensure greater data accuracy, security, and accessibility. 

Web apps enable real-time data sharing between departments, improving coordination and decision-making. They also make it easy for the public to access relevant data and services, increasing transparency and public engagement.


Nonprofit organizations can benefit from the efficiency and scalability offered by web apps. Transitioning from Excel allows for better donor information management, fundraising activities, and project tracking. Web apps support more effective communication with stakeholders and can automate many administrative tasks, allowing nonprofits to focus more on mission-driven activities.


In the construction industry, web apps can transform project management and collaboration. Replacing Excel with web apps enables real-time updates on project progress, resource allocation, and budget tracking. 

Switching from Excel to web apps can help improve coordination among teams, suppliers, and clients. Web apps also support mobile access, which allows managers and workers to access and update information from the job site, enhancing productivity and decision-making.

Why Choose Knack for Your Excel to Web App Needs

Knack empowers businesses to seamlessly convert their Excel spreadsheets into dynamic, feature-rich web applications. With our expertise, the complex process of turning static spreadsheets into scalable, intuitive web apps is streamlined and accessible.

Knack’s no-code solutions make it easy for businesses to tailor web applications to fit specific operational needs. These applications are user-friendly, integrated solutions that improve decision-making and streamline operations. Our no-code web app builder also offers robust security features, customizable modules, and scalable architecture, making it an ideal platform that grows alongside your business.

Start building for free with Knack today, and see how your data can drive your business strategy.