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Quickbase vs Smartsheet: Which Is Best?

  • Written By: Cheyenne Kolosky
QuickBase vs Smartsheet

Are you searching for the perfect work management tool to manage your business? In this article, we look at two popular options, Quickbase vs. Smartsheet, breaking down the key features of both platforms and helping you choose the best option.

Quickbase vs Smartsheet

Quickbase and Smartsheet are versatile work management platforms. They can streamline tasks and data management for businesses of all sizes and solve a wide range of business problems.

Let’s take a closer look at them:

Automation and Workflow:

Quickbase and Smartsheet are both robust platforms known for enhancing productivity through automation and workflow optimization, but they approach these needs with different strengths and features.

Quickbase excels in providing deep customization and complex automation capabilities, making it ideal for businesses with specific, intricate workflow needs. Its strength lies in offering a versatile platform that can handle detailed, rule-based automation for various operations.

Smartsheet, on the other hand, is favored for its user-friendly interface and effective collaboration tools, alongside solid automation features. It’s known for its intuitive design, allowing easy setup and adoption, and is well-suited for teams seeking a balance between straightforward, efficient automation and collaborative work management.


Quickbase and Smartsheet are both acclaimed for their powerful integration capabilities, each catering to different business needs and operational complexities. 

Quickbase is highly regarded for its extensive and flexible integration options, such as Salesforce and Zapier. It offers a comprehensive set of APIs and a broad array of pre-built integrations, making it capable of integrating complex systems. Businesses benefit from Quickbase’s ability to facilitate intricate data synchronization and workflow automation across multiple platforms, making it a possible solution for organizations with diverse and complex integration requirements.

Smartsheet, on the other hand, emphasizes ease of use and efficiency in its integration features. It provides a user-friendly experience with a variety of pre-built connectors and straightforward integration tools, focusing on enhancing daily productivity and collaboration. Smartsheet is particularly effective for teams that need to quickly integrate common business tools and applications, like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace, into their workflows without the need for deep technical expertise.

Pricing Model:

Quickbase and Smartsheet offer distinct pricing structures to suit different organizational needs.

Quickbase adopts a tiered pricing strategy, catering to a range of requirements from basic database functions to advanced, customizable applications. Its plans are designed to scale with businesses, offering varying levels of automation, integration, and customization. This makes Quickbase an option for enterprises seeking a comprehensive, scalable solution.

Smartsheet’s pricing is more straightforward, focusing on user-friendliness and quick implementation. Its plans scale based on user count and feature set, including reporting capabilities and automation options. Smartsheet is well-suited for teams and businesses seeking an intuitive, cost-effective tool that’s easy to integrate into daily operations.

Project Management:

Quickbase is recognized for its robust project management capabilities, offering extensive customization options and a variety of templates to suit diverse business needs. It supports advanced features like Gantt charts, allowing for detailed project scheduling and timeline management. Quickbase’s strength lies in its adaptability, providing users with the tools to tailor their project management environment to their specific requirements.

Smartsheet, while also offering solid project management tools, tends to focus on simplicity and user-friendliness, with a slight trade-off in customization depth. It excels in portfolio management and task management, offering a streamlined, intuitive interface. Smartsheet is ideal for teams seeking a straightforward, efficient solution for managing projects and tasks without the need for extensive customization.

Permissions and User Management:

Quickbase offers granular permissions and highly customizable access control, making it ideal for managing pipelines and datasets. Its robust system allows for meticulous user access management, ensuring precise control over data interaction and visibility.

Smartsheet, while also facilitating access control, offers a more streamlined approach. Its permission settings are less complex than Quickbase’s, focusing on ease of use and straightforward management, making it suitable for more general project tasks.

Customer Support:

Quickbase receives high user ratings for its customer support, often being recognized for its responsive and helpful service. Users frequently highlight the effectiveness and promptness of the support team.

Smartsheet also offers customer support, yet user reviews suggest that its response times may not consistently match the rapidity of Quickbase’s. While it provides support, the swiftness and efficiency might vary.

Reporting and Analytics:

Quickbase lets you dive deep with real-time data visualization, custom dashboards, and robust analytical tools. Explore data through advanced filtering, aggregation, and external integrations for complex analysis. However, some technical familiarity is helpful for optimal use.

Smartsheet makes generating basic reports and visualizations a breeze with pre-built templates. While it integrates with external BI tools for advanced analysis, its built-in options are limited. It’s a more user-friendly option for non-technical users.

Collaboration and Communication:

Quickbase fosters seamless team interaction within customizable applications, utilizing built-in messaging, notifications, and shared workspaces. However, setting up advanced collaboration features might require initial training.

Smartsheet streamlines collaboration through intuitive task and file sharing, comments, and mentions. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for most teams to collaborate effectively with minimal training.

User Support Options:

Quickbase offers personalized support with dedicated account managers for premium plans. All plans include phone, email, and comprehensive online resources like a knowledge base, video tutorials, and an active community forum.

Smartsheet provides phone and email support for all plans, along with extensive online resources including webinars, training videos, and a knowledge base. While less personalized, this support is readily available for all users.

Security and Data Privacy:

Quickbase ensures data security with robust measures like SOC 2 and HIPAA compliance, encryption, and granular access control within custom applications. It also adheres to strict data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Smartsheet offers enterprise-grade security features, encryption, and data privacy compliance with GDPR and CCPA. However, it utilizes pre-defined user roles for access control within the platform, making it less customizable than Quickbase.

Learning Curve and Ease of Use:

Quickbase has a steeper learning curve due to its focus on custom app development and technical aspects. Understanding low-code principles is beneficial for advanced features, but extensive resources are available to help overcome the curve.

Smartsheet boasts a gentle learning curve thanks to its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality. Basic features are easy for most users to pick up, although its customization options are limited compared to Quickbase.

Knack as a Better Solution

While Quickbase and Smartsheet have their strengths, Knack outshines them in several key areas:

1. Intuitive App Building: Knack’s visual development environment surpasses Quickbase’s low-code complexity and Smartsheet’s template-driven limitations. Anyone can build powerful custom applications without extensive coding knowledge, making it ideal for non-technical users and businesses seeking agility.

2. Deeper Data Relationships: Knack excels at creating rich data relationships, allowing you to connect information across tables in insightful ways. This surpasses Quickbase’s siloed approach and Smartsheet’s basic linking capabilities, unlocking greater data analysis possibilities.

3. Mobile Mastery: Knack’s native mobile app offers full offline access and a user experience tailored for smartphones and tablets. Knack’s web application is compatible with a wide range of mobile devices, including those running iOS (Apple) and Android (Google). This surpasses Quickbase’s limited offline functionality and Smartsheet’s web-centric approach, empowering mobile-first teams and field workers.

4. Scalable Security: Knack’s robust security features scale with your business, exceeding Quickbase’s custom app-focused controls and Smartsheet’s basic user roles. Knack offers enterprise-grade encryption, role-based access control, and detailed audit logs, catering to stringent security requirements.

5. Flexible Integrations: While Quickbase boasts a wider range of integrations, Knack’s open API and Zapier connectivity offer exceptional flexibility. You can seamlessly connect Knack to virtually any tool or service, surpassing both Quickbase’s API complexity and Smartsheet’s limitations.

6. Collaborative Powerhouse: Knack fosters collaboration through built-in chat, commenting, and activity streams, surpassing Quickbase’s initial training requirement and Smartsheet’s basic communication tools. Knack keeps teams on the same page and streamlines workflows seamlessly.

7. Cost-Effectiveness: Knack’s tiered pricing structure adapts to your needs, potentially offering greater value compared to Quickbase’s potentially high costs and Smartsheet’s fixed plans. You only pay for what you use, making Knack a budget-friendly choice for growing businesses.

When it comes to finding the perfect work management tool for your business, Knack is a fantastic choice. Knack offers customization, ease of use, and robust features that set it apart. Start a free trial today and experience the difference Knack can make in streamlining your business operation