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Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform
The integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is revolutionizing the landscape,…
In the ever-evolving tech landscape, no-code application development has emerged…
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative…
Template Marketplace
Knack: No-Code Application Development Platform
Track current inventory by managing shipments and orders.
Retain customers by offering a self-serve portal.

Partner With Knack

We’re actively looking to expand our Knack partners!

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Become a Knack Partner

We’re actively looking to expand our Knack partners! You’ll find Knack to be a great partner for offering web and database apps to your clients or selling online database services.

Ideal Knack partners include:

  • Cloud and technology consultants who work to bring their clients business to the cloud
  • Web designers who include online database functionality in their websites
  • Web developers and programmers who offer robust database apps they can easily build and customize
  • Creative and marketing agencies who offer their client base online database apps.

Some of the ways our partners have found success with Knack:

  • Refer Knack accounts and earn commissions
  • Build and sell online database apps
  • Include Knack services in product or service offerings

We place a tremendous value on our partners and offer support in a variety of ways:

  • Commissions and discounts on referrals
  • Priority support and consultation
  • Advanced access to new features